Keep an Eye Out for This Pediatric Foot Problem

Most children are born with what may be considered underdeveloped arches in their foot; this is in reality a ‘fat’ foot. It’s simply due to the normal fat distribution at the bottom of the foot. At this age, bones and joints are flexible. Generally, the arch is...

What is obesity, and what causes it?

Obesity is one of the world’s most rapidly growing conditions. Even in our age of medical advancements, over 35% of the adults in the United States alone are considered to be obese. The only way to prevent this destructive chronic disorder is to take back control over...

What Causes Bunions and How to Get Rid Of Them

What is a bunion? A “bunion” is the bump on the inner side of the big toe joint. Some may consider this a “cosmetic” issue, but it is a major structural problem of the forefoot. A bunion continues to get worse with every step taken. Unfortunately, external measures...

What is Plantar Neuropathy? Symptoms, Causes, Treatment Options

Plantar Neuropathy is a common condition where the nerves on the bottom of the foot become diseased. Unfortunately, millions of adults have this progressive nerve disease. There are a broad range of associated symptoms from a feeling of walking on a stone or pebble,...

What Is Causing My Chronic Knee Pain?

Knee pain is one of the most common orthopedic complaints. Fifteen million people seek treatment for knee pain every year. It is thought that more than 100 million people suffer from chronic knee pain. In other words, 1/3 of all Americans currently have a knee pain...

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